EL3204 | EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel analog input, temperature, RTD (Pt100), 16 bit
The EL3204 analog input terminal facilitates the direct connection of four resistance sensors. The measured resistance value can either be output directly in ohms or transformed into a temperature. If the temperature at the measuring point is of interest, the conversion from resistance to temperature can be carried out in the terminal according to various sensor characteristics (Pt100, Pt1000, NI120, NI1000, KTY types, etc.). The EL3204 can operate sensors using 2-wire technology. The EtherCAT Terminals indicate their measurement capability by means of light emitting diodes and status bits in the EtherCAT process image.
Mã hàng: EL3204
Thương hiệu: Beckhoff
Chức năng: Ngõ vào tương tự cho cảm biến nhiệt độ
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